Laparoscopic Colorectal surgery course
Course Contents Presentations
  1. Principles & techniques of Lap. Colorectal Surgery
  2. Principles of benign colorectal surgery - Rectal Prolapse, Diverticulitis, Kochs, Crohns
  3. Oncological principles in Lap colorectal surgeries
  4. Complications of Lap. Colorectal Surgery
  1. Lap. Rectopexy for Rectal prolapse
  2. Lap. Assisted Ileocaecal resection for Ileocaecal Kochs
  3. Lap. Right Hemicolectomy for Ca. right Colon
  4. Lap. Left hemicolectomy for Ca. Left colon
  5. Lap. Sigmoid Colectomy for benign stricture – post radiation and diverticular disease
  6. Lap. Anterior resection for Ca Rectum
  7. Lap. APR for low rectal tumours
  8. Lap. RPC Ileal J Pouch anal anastomosis for Ulcerative Colitis
  9. Lap. Total Colectomy and Ileorectal anastomosis
  10. Lap. assisted reversal of Hartmanns procedure
Self-assessment and review